The craigslist thread

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  • This topic has 226 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 2 months ago by Tim.
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    I always look at craigslist, and I see some good deals, and I see some opportunities to get good sets too.  Post any that you see that are noteworthy, and let us know if you end up getting it!

    taj mahal – $450 obo –

    some complete space sets – $75 –


    Matt Redfield

    Taj Mahal flagged for removal… wonder why?

    Matt Redfield

    UFO – dumbest Space subtheme ever?

    Wait, nope. Insectoids.


    And yet, the Insectoids are back. Galaxy Squad.

    Matt Redfield

    NXT = foundation of a GBC, no?



    Matt Redfield


    It’s go time.


    – $25 for a bunch of complete bionicle  (evan?)


    also, got this email from someone –

    I have the Taj Mahal lego set that I’d like to sell. It is currently assembled. It’s missing a few pieces but not many, all in all a complete set including original instruction booklets. No box. I know it’s been discontinued and wanted to see if you would be interested in purchasing. Let me know – thanks!

    let me know if you want their email address to haggle with them.


    There’s a few good lots on Craigslist now, but I saw this eBay listing:

    It’s the same dude I bought most of the unsorted stuff from. Guess he’s getting out if the hobby…instant brickLink store…I bet you could negotiate price as I did with the other lots too…


    $250 for 46 pounds.

    Looking at $150 in figs alone…

    Matt Redfield

    and it’s PURE. No infidels, Jews, gingers, or other contamination!

    [yinzall know I’m saying that as a joke, right? I love all mankind equally… even gingers.]


    Dropped from 350 last week. Some nice Cmfs and red/bluecoats


    Anyone else want to go in on that?

    Matt Redfield

    If Dan doesn’t, I probably would, Andrew. Could come in handy for the gallery, no?


    I’d be interested in going in 3-way just for the bluecoat figs/flag/some equipment (rifles for them, maybe swords, cannons, the like).


    I’d pay $4 for any full CMF. Looks like there’s at least 7 of them.

    Matt Redfield

    Josh – how can you tell? Such a lo-res pic…

    Dan / Andrew – we gonna do this? If so, how we gonna break it down? Would one of you want to seal the deal w/ seller? I could probably do so (and drive up to Beaver if necessary), just would have to work on timing.


    that’s why I said at least. I can easily see 4 royal guards and 3 musketeers.


    I just sent him an email, asking for higher resolution photos. While I would love to get my hands on any redcoats, I will definitely give up the 4 royal guards to Josh, and it appears there is also a Conquistador in the mix. If that is the case, that means Josh will kick in $28, leaving us with $272, to divide up among ourselves. I know I am looking for Redcoats and Islanders, and I know Dan is looking for Bluecoats. What are you looking for in the assortment, Matt?

    Matt Redfield

    What are you looking for in the assortment, Matt?

    Legos. 😉

    I’m not too picky; was thinking I could take at least one of the hulls and flesh it out a bit to go with the Red vs. Blue for the FT gallery…

    By the way, what’s the deal with those guys? As a kid, I always thought they were different ranks from the same army – “Imperial Guards” united against the filthy Pirates. But based on your heated discussions, I’ve gathered that I must have been wrong… British Armada vs. Spanish Armada?

    But yea, I’d take some of the pirate figs, cannons, etc. And is that thing near the top a dragon boat of sorts? My old eyes can’t really make out details…


    What I’d like:
    * The 8 apparent bluecoats with accessories (hat/epaulette/backpack/musket/sword each)
    * The lone Armada minifig
    * Bluecoat flag, shovel, and pick (for landing party)
    * Two of the cannons not already mounted on ships + cannonballs
    * Blue bandanas (I count 2)
    * Some treasure chests + gold

    Would $50 be acceptable? I figure $5/bluecoat fig since they’ve got more gear than the CMF (hat/epaulette/backpack/rifle/sword vs. hat/random accessory), $4 for the Armada guy, the flag is something like $.25 on bricklink, and cannons are about $1.25ea.

    I don’t need any of the big stuff (I’ve got too many hulls/rafts as it is).


    By the way, what’s the deal with those guys? As a kid, I always thought they were different ranks from the same army – “Imperial Guards” united against the filthy Pirates. But based on your heated discussions, I’ve gathered that I must have been wrong… British Armada vs. Spanish Armada?

    There’s a bit of a difference 🙂

    The Imperial Soldiers (blue coats) are modeled after the French colonial army (or the early American military… at least I used to believe that). The Imperial Guards (red coats) are worthless cowardly dogs, er, I mean they’re modeled after the British colonial army. The brief Armada theme turned back the clock to the time of the Spanish Armada although it, like Spanish power, was short lived.

    Interesting note: only the blue coats had an established “sailor” minifig (blue body, red epaulette, tricorn hat). It is possible that the red coat Imperial Flagship is supposed to have one (the guy with the red bandana), but he also looks like a pirate so it’s hard to tell. The red coat sets are also officer-heavy. Most sets only have one soldier and one officer, while some only have an officer. For the most part the blue coats maintained a 2:1 soldier to officer ratio.

    Matt Redfield

    2:1 soldier to officer ratio.

    Still seems a bit officer heavy; although, most of my military knowledge lies in the Civil War…

    Matt Redfield

    I know I am looking for Redcoats and Islanders

    OK, so we’re getting closer to figuring out a breakdown… I should inventory my existing red/blue/pirate figs and see what’s what. Also, I never have officially gotten permission to use / trade my brothers’ shares of the Redfield family LEGO… otherwise I might throw my redcoats and bluecoats into the mix…

    Would $50 be acceptable?

    I’d love to see higher res pics to help assess the value of this lot, but (depending on whether Andrew wants any of the larger stuff, or mostly just figs) I suppose 3 big hulls and the small one and the remaining figs would be worth a decent chunk of the $222 which would be left for Andrew and me to cover. I can’t say I’ve spent much time pricing Piratey things though…

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