CMF News

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  • #58340
    Jim Rolfe


    I have seen flashes and heard rumors of the Space CMFs coming out soon. I will look around for a good price but is anyone interested in these? I know @tfdesigns and I are each taking a case but if anyone else wants em, let me know and I can do one order. I am guessing the price will still be around $50/set but that is subject to the whims of the re-sellers. Let me know if you want a set and, when I have it, I can let you know a price.

    Happy Hunting!

    Jim Rolfe


    I have seen flashes and heard rumors of the Space CMFs coming out soon. I will look around for a good price but is anyone interested in these? I know @tfdesigns and I are each taking a case but if anyone else wants em, let me know and I can do one order. I am guessing the price will still be around $50/set but that is subject to the whims of the re-sellers. Let me know if you want a set and, when I have it, I can let you know a price.

    Happy Hunting!

    I ordered 4 cases of these space figures. If Frost and I hold to our original order of one case each, I will have 6 full sets available. Once the transaction and fees clear, should be around the $45-48 mark as usual.

    Let me know if you need a set.

    Supposedly shipping after May 14th.


    I want one! Mtron and ice planet!!


    Hey. I’ll take a set if you don’t mind shipping it. Thanks. Also I totally missed the Marvel set, if anyone has a set of those , I’d be interested.

    Jim Rolfe

    I want one! Mtron and ice planet!!


    Hey. I’ll take a set if you don’t mind shipping it. Thanks. Also I totally missed the Marvel set, if anyone has a set of those , I’d be interested.

    Sold!! Which Marvel? I likely have them all too.

    Benjamin C Good

    Are there any more Space cases to buy or did I miss out by waiting too long?

    Mike K

    I’m in for a set, please.


    Sold!! Which Marvel? I likely have them all too.[/quote]

    Marvel Series 2. I think they were released around September timeframe. If you have any available please let me know the price. I’d be interested. Thanks!

    Jim Rolfe

    Are there any more Space cases to buy or did I miss out by waiting too long?

    I can sell you a case Ben. Let me know if you need 3 full sets, more, or less.

    I’m in for a set, please.


    Sold!! Which Marvel? I likely have them all too.

    Marvel Series 2. I think they were released around September timeframe. If you have any available please let me know the price. I’d be interested. Thanks![/quote]

    I will verify if I have a full set left in storage and get back to you. I am sure I do but let me put my hands on it. 🙂 These will likely be around $50-55. I will have to verify back in the emails what I paid for them.

    Greg Schubert

    If anyone was looking for series 12 CMF’s I saw some at Ace Hardware in Wexford yesterday … $5.99 + tax

    Also I tried to follow a lead that series 22 CMF’s were in Dollar General but found none in three different stores. YMMV

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    Jim Rolfe

    Sold!! Which Marvel? I likely have them all too.

    Marvel Series 2. I think they were released around September timeframe. If you have any available please let me know the price. I’d be interested. Thanks![/quote]

    I cant find em. Sorry. 18-25, Disney 1&2, HP 2 but no marvel.


    Thanks for looking. Sent you a DM.

    Jim Rolfe

    OK Team, we are getting shipment very soon. Maybe Saturday. I will let you know if I get em and when they are sorted/ready for pickup/meetup/delivery.

    Please confirm you are still in and the quantity. Cost is $46/set

    – 1 Case (3 sets) – $138

    – 1 Case (3 sets) – $138 (Paid)

    – 1 Case (3 sets) – $138

    – 1 Set – $46

    – 1 Set – $46

    – 1 Set (Still need to confirm DM request) – $46 (for this series only)

    That is all I saw so if you are a late entry please let me know. I still have 2 cases (6 sets) left at $46/set.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Jim Rolfe.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Jim Rolfe.
    Benjamin C Good

    Sorry, I may have incorrectly assumed that a case and a set are the same thing. I only need one set.

    Jim Rolfe

    Sorry, I may have incorrectly assumed that a case and a set are the same thing. I only need one set.

    tsk, tsk, tsk man… worries! I can always use more space figures! Or, I have 2 more to sell.

    8 left to buy people! Come and get em! 🙂

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Jim Rolfe.

    I’ll take Ben’s case and he can get my set, if that helps. Thanks for organizing these.

    Jim Rolfe

    I’ll take Ben’s case and he can get my set, if that helps. Thanks for organizing these.

    Whatever you need! I can get you the case for sure.

Viewing 17 posts - 126 through 142 (of 142 total)
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