Philly Brickfest Sept 11-14

Home Forums LUG discussions Philly Brickfest Sept 11-14

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  • #7439
    Benjamin C Good

    “My car is already maxed out” includes my car carrier on the roof. If Micah & Rick wanna strap it to their roof, I’m totally down with that.

    Rick Beideman

    We have a minivan we can take. Since it is just Micah and I, we can take both back seats out giving us a good amount of space.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Josh.

    So, think you’re up for taking the bridge? I’m sure it will be a hit. It’s in big screen TV box. I’ve helped Greg put it together 3 times now, and it’s not terribly difficult, just need to a reference pic to know which order the buildings go in.

    Let me know what you want me to bring to Cranberry – sign, floor mats, QR code, business cards… both dollies? any MOCs I have? brick to sort?

    Greg Schubert

    I will bring the PITTSBURGH bridge parts Saturday.

    Also, I have minions, so I’ll take a box (or two) of stuff to sort. 🙂

    Benjamin C Good

    Oooh, minivan, that’s huge (literally and figuratively).

    If you guys wanna put Greg’s bridge in your car, that would be awesome. I still may need your car for some modulars as well, and whatever else we decide to take.

    Chris on the Dollar told me the tables are 8’x30″. I have a table like that in my house for reference. So I’ve been thinking about how to fill them. Originally I thought we’d just do two, but with the bridge, we’ll have three. Chris otD said they’d already reserved us a ‘small island’ of tables and that worst case scenario is they remove some of them. So I figure that gives us four tables at our disposal, so we’re covered there.

    So Ben’s plan as of right now:

    Table 1 – Town/Train
    I still need people to donate motorized 9V trains if I’m gonna have an actual running loop of train going. Either way, I plan to have track as part of the layout, and with modulars and roads from Susie, Joe, and Tim, plus the park, I think I have enough to cover most of the table, if not all of it. But if you have a 16-wide or 32-wide original modular you want to send, I’m pretty sure I can work it in. I’ll know more before Saturday, I thought I’d have a temporary layout set up by now, but I’ve been slowed down by:

    Table 2 – GBC & Micah Sci-Fi
    So it turns out that ‘minor improvements’ to the GBC have turned into ‘major headaches’, so I’m still working on it. Once I get it running again (tonight? maybe, but I said that yesterday too and it didn’t happen) I’ll take a photo of it on my 8′ table so Micah can see how much space he has remaining for his layout.
    – If it’s more than he expected and he wants to expand, I say go for it.
    – If it’s more than he expected and we think we need something else on the table, we can talk about our options.
    – If it’s less than he expected and he needs more room, we’ll figure something out, but I’m thinking this is unlikely based on his earlier description; the GBC will take up less than half the table.

    Table 3 – Pgh Bridge ‘Nat
    So it’s been more than 3 years since I’ve seen the bridge in person, although I’ve seen plenty of photos, and I’m thinking that despite its size, there will still be room for other stuff on the ends.

    So, additional stuff. Options, off the top of my head – the QR code, the Lego Movie sign, Mr. Rogers, Harry Potter, the Cathedral of Learning, Penguins logo, Penguins player, robots, what else? We’re especially looking for stuff that magically takes up more space on the table but less space in the car. Plus we should have our new sign holders by then. I have a good supply of business cards but you can always send more along.

    We’ll definitely need the big sign and the tablecloths. I’d say at most we only need one additional dolly, cause after David told us at TangIers that the place to go is Harbor Freight, I went out and bought myself one and I’m psyched to try it out, so I’ll have that along.

    That’s all I can think of right now.


    They should have table clothes for you.

    No penguins logo or player here.

    Matt Redfield

    Also, I have minions, so I’ll take a box (or two) of stuff to sort.

    Do they get a share of the PaB rewards?

    We’re especially looking for stuff that magically takes up more space on the table but less space in the car.

    That’s Canadian level magic you’re talking, there. Like how our colleagues up north manage to make a widget with four components by ordering two components and having the other two just appear out of thin air… (sorry, work rant…)



    Benjamin C Good

    Over on the other board we were talking about Joe’s Ghostbusters building, and how I need the Ghostbusters set to go along with it, and Joe’s isn’t actually available.

    I just need somebody to send the set along for the display and then I can bring it back. Or I can just go buy it myself, the problem is that first I have to determine if anybody got it for me for my bday, cause if they did and then I go buy it just a couples weeks beforehand, I’ll be in big trouble.

    I did a potential setup on the table last night (I had to break from the GBC cause it’s still not working and I started getting cranky). I’m thinking there will not be a complete loop of train track, but since they’ll be track, I could still use a non-motorized train to sit on the track and look good.

    Also, it occurred to me that if I’m using Tim’s road, I need some cars and whatnot to put on them. Again, Laura has a nice supply but I don’t expect to see her before we leave. I’m thinking Tim has a good supply of cars but I’m not sure. I could go buy some car sets at Target but I’m not sure I have the $$$ for that right now, it looks like I’m already spending $50 on the Ghostbusters set.

    Tim, it looks like I’ll need a stretch of road to go in front of 4.5 baseplates worth of buildings. I’m not sure if I’ll need roads for either end and intersections to connect them, but since they should be easy to pack and transport, I’m thinking it wouldn’t hurt to get them from you also, if I don’t use them, they’ll just sit in my house that weekend.

    Benjamin C Good

    And it looks like while I transferred my posts over here, people responded on the board there, and deleted my Micah post before I could actually copy it. So first:

    Joe is sending cars. And hopefully the Ghostbusters car. I could probably use something in the range of 8 cars. More than that and I’m guessing it’ll be too crowded. Josh is sending the actual Ghostbusters.

    Also, I found this in my photostream today:

    Exo Fish Invasion

    Looks good. I don’t know how much you plan to expand. You definitely don’t want the depth to be more than 30″, cause that’s the depth of the table, but you can expand the width to 4′ w/o problem. If you go more than 4’6″ let me know, cause then we’ll probably need to rearrange our table layout.


    oh oh sorry for waiting so long but can I sneak in two small things to send with someone? Chris on the Dollar wanted to buy two Transformers off of me and I was wondering if someone could deliver them to him. They’re pretty small and I can meet or bring them to whomever volunteers. Thanks in advance!

    Benjamin C Good

    Bad news coming from our end of things on this one: Me and Susie are both extremely sick to the point where we’re not gonna recover in time and we’ve officially made the decision to not go to Philadelphia this weekend. I’ll spare everybody the gory details, but I’ve been looking for to and planning for this trip ever since I got back from BrickFair more than a month ago, so it would take some sort of horrible and unprecedented condition on my part to keep me from going, and, well… that’s what has happened.

    The main thing for SCL this weekend then is that this puts all the pressure and responsibility on Micah and Rick to do the display in Philly. Everything should be fine during exhibitor hours, but during the public hours you’ll always want at least one person manning the tables at all time, and that could be difficult when there’s only two of you.

    You’re also losing out on a lot of display material, so it’s a good thing Josh & Greg brought you lots of stuff a couple weeks ago. With that stuff and Micah’s display I’m thinking you can still fill two tables and look good. My stuff requires too much disassembly for packing and reassembly on site for me to be able to send it along w/o going myself (the GBC, which still isn’t working right anyway, is especially high-maintenance). If you want to pick up Joe & Tim’s buildings and roads we could arrange something, but I’m not sure if it’ll be worth it. (Josh, I’m gonna recommend that Tim and Joe get a PaB display credit even if their stuff doesn’t actually make it out to BrickFest, Joe especially went way out of his way to get his buildings to me and only because I nagged him to.)

    It also means that Rick and Micah are Evan’s only remaining hope for Transformer transportation.

    I’m also gonna email Chris on the Dollar and let him know what’s up. Again, I’m really sorry about this. I hope you guys still have a good time and get lots of good pics to send us.

    Benjamin C Good

    Update – Rick stopped by my house yesterday to pick some stuff up, I sent Joe’s buildings, Joe’s cars, Tim’s buildings, Tim’s roads, Josh’s Ghostbusters, and four plates of my own of ballasted train track for a small town display. So that stuff’s on its way to Philly now.

    Tim, using the Power of Lego, I rearranged some of your roads to specifically match up in length with what I had planned. So if you need them back the way they were, we’ll have to take care of that later.

    I still feel terrible, so there’s no way I could’ve made it. I’ve already started thinking about Greenberg, although of course I’ll have to wait until I can do any actual building.


    Update – Rick stopped by my house yesterday to pick some stuff up, I sent Joe’s buildings, Joe’s cars, Tim’s buildings, Tim’s roads, Josh’s Ghostbusters, and four plates of my own of ballasted train track for a small town display. So that stuff’s on its way to Philly now.

    Tim, using the Power of Lego, I rearranged some of your roads to specifically match up in length with what I had planned. So if you need them back the way they were, we’ll have to take care of that later.

    That still sounds like a nice display; thanks for doing that Ben and Rick. No worries on the roads; that’s the beauty of Lego. Hope you feel better soon.


    how’s it going Micah and Rick?

    Benjamin C Good

    Aw man, and when Josh’s email came in I thought it was gonna be Rick n Micah sending some pics of the setup.

    Rick Beideman

    All is going well. We arrived yesterday around 1:30 and had things set up by around dinner time. We have had much fun interacting with others and doing various activities (and winning a good amount of Lego). We did find time to make it to the Lego store this morning. The first public session went well today. There were many positive comments and discussion regarding the elements in our display. Now off to bed.


    Rick Beideman

    The attachments did not seem to work. I will try them one at a time.

    Benjamin C Good

    Rick emailed me his pics directly, so I’m gonna see if I can get them to upload here…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Josh.
    Benjamin C Good

    It didn’t work for me either. Joooooooooooooooooooooosh, make it work.


    All is going well. We arrived yesterday around 1:30 and had things set up by around dinner time. We have had much fun interacting with others and doing various activities (and winning a good amount of Lego). We did find time to make it to the Lego store this morning. The first public session went well today. There were many positive comments and discussion regarding the elements in our display. Now off to bed.

    Sounds like a great first day. Anxious to see the pics (Ben, can you upload them to our Flickr feed?). Thanks again for representing the Burgh. 🙂


    It didn’t work for me either. Joooooooooooooooooooooosh, make it work.

    Strange, the file size is under the limit, but after seeing other pictures uploaded fine, I resized Rick’s to a smaller dimension and they seem to work fine.

    Thanks, Rick and Micah! Glad you’re having a good time and good job getting everything there and set up! You’re earning your stripes on this tour and we appreciate it!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Josh.
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    Our “Like” counter on Facebook has been at 148 for several weeks and it jumped up to 155. I would guess that these Likes are coming from the Philly display and the QR Code.


    Our “Like” counter on Facebook has been at 148 for several weeks and it jumped up to 155. I would guess that these Likes are coming from the Philly display and the QR Code.

    funny, as you typed this, I was looking at the last 2 people who liked it. Confirmed across the board. All the recent likes have been folks from jersey, philly, or the surrounding area.


    Rick and Micah, I’m sure you are both still recovering from Brickfest. Do you have a summary/wrap-up report for us? Any additional pictures? Inquiring minds want to know!

    Benjamin C Good

    I was just thinking the same thing. Any more pics? Good stories? Did you make it back to Pgh by Monday morning?

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