FAKE parts from China

Home Forums All Things LEGO! FAKE parts from China

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  • #5639
    Greg Schubert

    I recently posted something about fake Hulk macrofigs made in China that look indistinguishable from the real thing. Dang, these people are getting good! Look at this auction below. I could buy eight detailed Spongebob figs for about 15 bucks including shipping! (except Sandy doesn’t have a helmet)


    I doubt TLC can stop them even though the molds are probably coming from their own factories! TLC is probably going to regret moving factories out of Denmark, but they had to know this could happen. What really concerns me is that these counterfeit parts are probably already being sold as real parts. I am glad that I am not a minifig collector and I sure hope its not worth the counterfeiters time to make standard bricks.

    However, if “custom” Simpsons are made, I am going to have a real dilemma.

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    …wow. scary times indeed. that printing is immaculate. The quality looks exact.


    Call me a heretic, but how is this so different from what BrickForge does? Just because the guy doing it is from China? Are we penalizing him for being able to offer a lower price because he lives in and makes them in China?

    It’s unfair to accuse him of stealing the molds from the LEGO company, when he could have bought the set and made the molds from the minifigs in it.

    AND he’s very clear that the parts are not official LEGO parts, which is in compliance with the LEGO company’s Fair Play policy and is why BrickForge gets to keep doing what they do (other than his use of the word minifig, but I imagine that’s an honest mistake given his effort to disclaimer like crazy in the product description).


    Although, actually I take back some of my statements. I looked up the sets and I realize that at least some of them (if not all?) are exact replicas of existing minifigs.

    That’s not Fair Play.


    and this is just some guy…imagine what someone with motivation and money can do…

    Greg Schubert

    and this is just some guy

    I can’t imagine waiting five hours to print a dozen bricks. I guess if he had made dozens of round glow-in-the-dark 1×1 tiles using the same amount of plastic, it might have been worth the effort.

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