Home Forums All Things LEGO! UCS ATAT

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  • #41628

    Not sure if anyone saw, but there are some pictures of the UCS ATAT floating around online. I don’t want to copy here (I’ve been in a forum before where that was frowned upon), but if you are interested a google search or two would probably bring it up

    It looks really good imo. Rumored to be officially revealed next week

    Jim Rolfe

    It’s cool. At $800 it is a 2X or 3X VIP purchase. Not a day 1 buy. Enjoy!

    Jim Rolfe

    I’m also interested to see what the official Lego screwdriver looks like and how that all works inside.

    Rich Millich

    Not sure if anyone saw, but there are some pictures of the UCS ATAT floating around online. I don’t want to copy here (I’ve been in a forum before where that was frowned upon), but if you are interested a google search or two would probably bring it up

    It looks really good imo. Rumored to be officially revealed next week

    That is the correct instinct not to share it here. The LEGO corporation is very keen to protect the intellectual property of its partners, especially a heavyweight the Star Wars license that basically bailed it out of bankruptcy. Long story.

    Short version is: the information we stumble upon might also be fake, incorrect, an awkward prototype, things like that. We have to be really sensitive with corporate rumors and tentative product offers.

    As for the set though, I’m always interested in the greebling that comes on UCS Star Wars sets, and, without any specifics, these large builds are source material for ideas for me in what I build. I am looking forward to anything Star Wars really.


    Yep – that’s the reasoning I’ve followed before as well (as for not posting direct links or pictures)


    I’d like to see how the availability of 4 $600+ sets does to sales – 75192 Millennium Falcon, Colosseum, Titanic, and now ATAT. (although to be fair I think 75192 is on the way out soon)

    Out of these, I’d say the Falcon/75192 is the most preferable, being the first of the largest sets while also being Star Wars.

    Of the other 3, I have to say my interest has waned on the Colosseum. When it came out, I thought for sure I would buy someday. But now that there’s the Titanic and ATAT I’d definitely rather have either of those.


    The Brothers Brick now has the official release information and pictures.


    Anyone find any comparison to that one ideas set that went out years ago but didn’t get approved?

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