4th Quarter Meeting Proposal

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    With Greenberg done and the Trolley Museum running for three weekends, the end of the year is fast approaching. Instead of trying to squeeze in a 4Q meeting during the holidays, I propose that we hold a 4Q/1Q meeting in mid to late January (perhaps Jan. 18 or 25). We can discuss 2013 wrap up and start a rough outline for 2014 plans. All in favor, say “Aye”.

    Matt Redfield

    I’d like some more information before casting a vote. Namely, is there anything time-sensitive that we might jeopardize by waiting until mid January to hold a real meeting? Thus far, this is what I know is potentially on the table for the first part of 2014:

    1) Greenberg Toy & Train in Monroeville in January – don’t think we’re trying to do it (or are we?)

    2) Philly BrickFest in April – haven’t committed yet, but it seems like a good opportunity to forge bonds with the PennLUG guys and what have you. I believe they want a commitment / layout size (but don’t need details) by December or early January, so maybe we open up a thread to discuss who’s interested in contributing and what we think we could pull off?

    To some extent, I’m comfortable discussing those things on the forums, but we had so many posts on Greenberg (Part Un) that we may have lost some things in the noise. We’re not committed to (1) so maybe a non-issue, and we have some time for (2) so we can probably keep them on the boards for now.

    I do think another face to face meeting to discuss the issues is important. I get the argument to postpone until after the holidays, just want to make sure we have our ducks in a row if we’re going to do that.


    I’d like some more information before casting a vote. Namely, is there anything time-sensitive that we might jeopardize by waiting until mid January to hold a real meeting?

    Good question, Matt. As far as I can tell, only a January Greenberg show is time-sensitive. And I personally am not interested in doing that show again so soon (which has absolutely nothing to do with the prior show issues, just too soon after Nov. Greenberg and Trolley Museum to do ANY show). I’m not worried about Philly BrickFest. As a new show, I would be surprised if we encountered any difficulty getting sufficient space to display (presuming we actually decide to go).

    Greg Schubert


    Matt Redfield

    Good question, Matt. As far as I can tell, only a January Greenberg show is time-sensitive. And I personally am not interested in doing that show again so soon (which has absolutely nothing to do with the prior show issues, just too soon after Nov. Greenberg and Trolley Museum to do ANY show). I’m not worried about Philly BrickFest. As a new show, I would be surprised if we encountered any difficulty getting sufficient space to display (presuming we actually decide to go).

    Agreed; I’m probably not in a hurry to sign up for a January event after the fall / winter we’ve already had / are having. Last year’s Great Wall build ran over the holidays, and wasn’t *too* bad, but I’m a little burnt out on life in general at the moment, so fewer commitments is probably not a bad thing for me right now.

    As for PBF, it’s more that they want to know what we’re gonna do than that I’m worried we’ll lose out on an adequate space for a sweet layout. But we do have some time on that – nothing to fret about right now.

    Benjamin C Good

    As I mentioned on the trolley thread, I think I can get behind this idea too. And it seems to be gaining ground, so I’ll go with aye as well.


    I have a wedding on Saturday so I can’t make it. I say aye for January!

    Greg Schubert

    I propose that we hold a 4Q/1Q meeting in mid to late January (perhaps Jan. 18 or 25).

    Is it possible that people might have spare time around New Years Day for a meeting?

    Matt Redfield

    Is it possible that people might have spare time around New Years Day for a meeting?

    For me, probably not ON New Year’s Day, but possibly NEAR it…

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