Brickfair VA 2024 AUG 3-4

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    Will McDine

    Steel City LUG is now an option to select as a collab when you register your MOC.

    I just went in and registered my first 10 MOCs. These will likely be the bulk of my MOCs, but I am going to go through my stuff and see if there is anything else I want to or should take before I finalize my list. Size wise (assuming my estimates are correct) I am sitting at appx 3/4 of one 8ft table. Goal for me is to have exactly one table worth of space reserved. I am also planning on bringing a small riser to maximize my space a bit and potentially bring in some Glow-Zone trucks. We will see if I can make it that far before the show.


    As it stands I plan on displaying with the LUG as this is my first convention and I want to make sure I’m with people I know (I’m not very sociable or outgoing).

    Most of the MOCs I plan haven’t been built yet… I do most of my building in the summer when I don’t have homework. I can get a rough guess at sizes though. I was also planning on bringing something to elevate some to maximize space. My Diagon Alley buildings aren’t deep enough to warrant taking up the entire depth of a table.

    I’d only be able to get down from Friday morning onward… maybe later Thursday evening. Is this acceptable?


    I’d only be able to get down from Friday morning onward… maybe later Thursday evening. Is this acceptable?

    This is fine. You are only required to check in by the end of the day Friday (around 5:00 pm) in order to get your badge, etc. So long as the rest of us attending know approximately how much space you’ve requested, we will leave that empty for you.


    Fantastic… I’ll get my stuff sorted out and get a space estimate here soon.


    When registering MOCs, I’m assuming I just put that I’m with Steel City LUG for the “Where will you display?” section?

    I apologize for having so many questions; this is my first time displaying at a convention.

    Krista K

    No worries, I’ll see what I can do. After my last post I thought “Crap, maybe I shouldn’t’ve posted that, what if there’s something really serious going on? I’ll look like even more of a jerk than usual.” I hope everything is going well with the Kay family.

    I truly appreciate you checking. It’s just been a tsunami of commitments lately. My course load increased 8-fold, Will’s travelling for work, and I truly had no idea the number of things you have to do with school. Between fundraisers, events, and homework, it’s crazy. But overall, we’re good, just really tired. 🙂

    PS – the BrickFair rooms at the HI are all reserved. There’s a waiting list. But most likely, if you haven’t made a reservation at the HI already, you will have to find something else. There’s plenty of options, but none are as convenient.

    Also, I really appreciate the head’s up on this. I saw when we registered that it still said 2023 so I was going to wait. We couldn’t get in at the HI, but we’re not too far so it’s not a dealbreaker. We may just be popping out for longer to give Zander a break if he needs it.

    Greg Schubert

    We have been discussing going to brick fair as a lug with more people than in past years and potentially getting an Airbnb together or something similar! Any ideas? Who’s interested?

    Has this idea been further developed?

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