Greetings and salutations

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    Hello, all. I recently learned about this group when I saw the displays at the LEGO Store at Ross Park Mall. My son and I love to build LEGOs and I actually still have all of the LEGO sets from my childhood (mostly castle and space themed sets from the 70s/80s). I don’t build many MOCs, but my son does and he even makes stop-motion videos. I recently built the Batmobile (76139) and am running into the problem of where to store my builds! Anyways, I’m looking forward to connecting with my fellow LEGO fans.

    Be well. Be kind. Be yourself.


    Greg Schubert

    Hey Steve, that’s a great cartoon for your avatar. 🙂 We have lots of Benny-like space enthusiasts.

    Many of us can relate to the problem with storage space … even the guy who built a three car garage with a second floor just for LEGO!


    Welcome Steve! Do you have your old sets built? Castle/space/pirates were the perfect triad!

    Rich Millich

    I loved those tiny 20-30 part Space builds from the ’80s myself, and that’s what got me into this as a kid. Now, I build much bigger, but still love all genres of tiny tablescrap MOCs as support for the bigger stuff.

    As for storage space, my LEGO part collection and my MOCs have destroyed all the boxed sets I used to have, and now it’s all in boxed up display MOCs from past events we’ve done.

    Moving boxes and parts around, I just rediscovered the Georges’ Space house from the S.W. Randall I display we collaborated on years ago, for example, and the Spacer family and vehicles I built. It has come apart in storage, but it’s still fun to remember, and its construction gives me new ideas!

    So, welcome! Start a thread for your own building experiences, maybe a journal here. Feel free to start a thread about any LEGO question you may have, or just tag others who might be into the same things you are. Cruise the Recently Active topics often, and reach out to connect and build. Just like LEGO parts, builders of different kinds can connect in new and unique ways.



    I built one castle set and a couple of space sets with my son (brought back some good memories, too). The hardest part is trying to remember what set(s) I had because I no longer have the instruction manuals and have to rely on websites like this – – to find instructions.


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