Carpool to Cranberry for Feb 9

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    Matt Redfield

    Simple enough – if you want to rideshare to Cranberry, say so here so we can figure out rides.  Discussion has thus far been centered on those of us living in or near the East End, but anyone from other locales can use this thread as well.

    I believe Josh and his wife and daughter are driving up separately, but they might have room for one more.  I can drive with 3 others, or ride with another volunteer to drive.  So far, I think Doug, Evan, and Rick have expressed interest in a carpool from the East End… yinz want to confirm that here?  That could be a carload right there.

    Rich Millich

    Definitely in for that carpool. There’s no other way for me to bring the Paladin, the set, or myself all the way out to Cranberry.


    I wouldnt mind car pooling I am right off 79 (in the wrong direction, but not too far), but if you are full no worries


    Would it be possible for me to hitch a ride up with someone? I’m in Oakland, but I can walk pretty far to meet up!


    Same here, I’m Dormont based, but can easily get over to Oakland / East End.

    Matt Redfield

    First off, anyone who carpools (with me, at least) has to be prepared to get to the library by 12:30-45, and stay through the parts draft (maybe finished by 3:30 or so…?)  Hope that’s cool.  So far, the Doodle Josh set up hasn’t gotten a ton of responses, so not sure who was planning to do which portions of the afternoon (

    Sounds like Jonathan and Andrew live near each other, if my geographical skills are not failing me.  Depending on how carload(s) shake out from the East End, maybe it makes sense for you two to ride together and just shoot up 79?  Not sure if anyone else is over that way..

    I think it makes sense for Rich and Dan to ride with me, probably.  Depending on what Doug and Matt are doing, we could probably add one more to that carload.



    Sorry to be a bit off topic, but I can’t seem to find the thread related to the swap (I remember one… but now I’ve lost it!). Which set is going to be the one to purchase (or will we be bringing arbitrary sets)?

    Matt Redfield

    Dan:  Here’s the thread.  It was actually hard for me to find, too – and I created it!  Had to use the search (top right of website) for “Mirkwood” and find the posts with thread heading “Parts Draft”.

    See details on proper thread…



    So what are the plans for carpooling? I’ll need to hitch a ride with somebody as my car isn’t at the college.

    Matt Redfield

    Dan – you and Rich can plan to ride with me.  Can you guys get to my house?  (3612 Ridgway St, 15213)

    I’d say we need to leave (as in, all passengers loaded & hitting the road) by 12:00; probably a bit earlier if anyone has MOCs to set up for display.

    If a fourth wants to call dibs on my last seat, let me know.


    Sounds good. I can walk over.

    Rich Millich

    Okay. I can grab an early morning 71A Negley from my house and get off at Center and Craig. That’s fairly close, but I’d have no idea what to do from there. Alternately, I can just try to get out there after work coming from downtown. Suggestions?

    Matt Redfield

    Rich – From Centre & Craig, you’d walk North up Craig (AWAY from Oakland), pass Baum, and cross to your left when you reach the Y-intersection of Craig and Bigelow.  There’s a sidewalk along Bigelow that you then take (continuing North, starts to curve to the West) until the next light, which is Blessing St. on your left.  Ridgway St. is just across Blessing and runs parallel to Bigelow, so you’d just walk up Blessing about 50 ft then turn right onto Ridgway, and my house is the second on the left.  Really not a bad walk, and not hard to navigate.  My # is 724 880 5819 though, in case you need it.

    If you guys are cool with getting to my house by 11:45, that’d be great – again, that’s assuming minimal or no MOC set-up time, as we’d get to the library between 12:15-12:30 and want to have everything set up before 12:45 so we’re ready as kids start piling in.   I can probably drop you off at your houses afterward, but it might be tricky for me to try to pick everyone up beforehand… fair enough?

    Rich Millich

    Fair enough. I’ll try to make it to your house by 10:30 or so, just in case I have trouble finding the place.

    Matt Redfield

    Sounds like Doug is probably riding with us.  Get to my house between 11:30-11:45, text or call me (724 880 5819) if needed, and we’ll be in good shape!

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