Dark Red Bricks

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    Greg Schubert

    I’ve been hearing dark red mentioned recently. This is very different than sand red, which unfortunately I have not seen for a long time. Doug made his Barnes & Noble with dark red and Matt mentioned dark red bricks for some reason … I think it had to do with sorting the bulk bins. Anyway, my aunt was at the LEGO store at Tyson’s Corner in VA and she said she bought 1×2 dark red bricks at the PaB wall and she got a bunch of dark red 1×1 tiles from someone in WAMALUG. (Also she said the PaB wall had dark green 1×1 bricks.) I guess, the dark red parts on bricklink are most likely from fire brigade sets. I’d be interested in acquiring bricks in dark red to use as a choice for buildings if anyone finds a good source.


    Doug cleared me out of the cheap stuff and i just sold some of the 1×4 bricks i had. I still have sandwich baggie of uninventoried dark red bricks (some 1×8, 2×4…maybe some others) + the 1×6 listed. you want me to see what I have or were you looking only for large quantities?


    PaB walls are probably the best source. The Chicago LEGO Store in early July had both dark red (2×2) and dark green (1×2). I got some of each when I was there.

    Matt Redfield

    1×2 dark red bricks at the PaB wall … the PaB wall had dark green 1×1 bricks.

    Yep, I’ve found (and purchased) a lot of those two elements lately. Kinda wanted to be miserly with the dark red 1×2, but I suppose I could share; especially since Greg’s been buying stuff for me lately…

    Benjamin C Good

    Incidentally, somebody told me that sand red is officially retired by Lego and according to Bricklink, it hasn’t shown up in any sets since 2004. So your odds of seeing it any time soon aren’t good. Whenever I make a Bricklink order and there’s new sand red at a tolerable price (and sometimes I take a chance on used) I’ll throw it on, but it doesn’t happen often, and my entire collection of sand red still fits in a sandwich bag.


    just sand red bricks? or the color in any part? that’s really interested…and maybe not a bad monopoly idea…

    Benjamin C Good

    According to my source, the color is completely retired. According to Bricklink, there were only 39 parts that used the color. Some were arms, legs, and torsos for Harry Potter guys. Some were basic bricks, and the rest were from the Life on Mars series.

    Matt Redfield

    Very interesting. I’m always drawn to the rare colors (because I like spending money, and because they look so good), so the dark red / blue / green and the sand colors are always tempting. Knowing why sand red is expensive makes it all the more intriguing; as Josh said, it could become more expensive as the years go by.

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