Hello fellow Lego Fans!

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    I moved to Pittsburgh about a year ago from Connecticut. My husband and I love collecting and building Lego sets.

    I have had the lucky privilege to visit the Lego US headquarters in Enfield, CT and shop at Lego store twice! They have awesome bargains and items that I have never seen elsewhere for sale.

    We try to hit up any Lego store any time we are traveling. Last weekend we stopped at the Columbus, OH Lego store.

    Why doesn’t Pittsburgh have a Lego Store?

    Benjamin C Good

    I asked Hinkle by email why Pittsburgh doesn’t have one and I got a generic reply, and I haven’t seen him in person since then.

    Usually when new people post I tell them about upcoming meetings so they can meet everybody, but there’s none scheduled right now, the next one will probably be at Josh’s house in October to prepare for Greenberg, but there’s no date set yet.


    Ana and husband, welcome! What part of town do you live in? Any favorite themes?

    The next “get together” will be at Josh’s house this coming Saturday, September 20 starting in the afternoon. There’s a thread around here somewhere with details. 🙂


    Thanks for the welcome!

    I too have gotten that generic reply from Lego about when/if they will open a Lego Store in the Pittsburgh area.

    As for themes, we’ve been collecting mostly the licensed themes such as DC, Marvel, TMNT but we do the other non-licensed themes such as Monster fighters (our favorite), Lego Movie and others. (It safe to say the only line we don’t pick up is Star Wars).

    We don’t do any MOCs, but we think you guys who do are incredibly talented.

    Benjamin C Good

    The next “get together” will be at Josh’s house this coming Saturday, September 20 starting in the afternoon. There’s a thread around here somewhere with details. 🙂

    There is? How come I didn’t know about that? I’m not sure if yet if I can make it (still not healthy) but I have specific needs for Greenberg and the LUG supply might be able to help.


    The thread is under the Private Meetings folder – http://www.steelcitylug.com/forum/topic/build-day-at-joshs-sept-20th/

    Matt Redfield

    We don’t do any MOCs

    …YET. 😀

    As for the LEGO store… not to knock Rochester, NY, but we’re way bigger than them, and they have a store. And not to knock Denver or Seattle, but they each have TWO stores, and are not that much bigger than PGH. What really boggles the mind is how they haven’t jumped on a market where KidsFest was a smash success – two years in a row! (As far as we know, PGH is the only town to have KidsFest come back the second year.) Plus, SCLUG have been clamoring it for two years straight now.

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