New Reindeer on Parts and Pieces

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    John S

    Just FYI to those that were looking for the new reindeer from this years elf clubhouse, they are now available in bricks and pieces under set 10275, animal 98.

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    Jim Rolfe

    Nice! Thanks! I had taken to looking weekly but had not seen any as of last week.

    Greg Schubert

    What site are you talking about?

    John S
    Participant Bricks and pieces, under customer support.

    Greg Schubert

    Wow! I am blown away by that. I placed an order for 8 of them, I wonder if it will go through.

    John S

    I did the same. I guess we’re going to find out!

    Greg Schubert

    I think the online pick-a-brick started around 15 years ago. How long has LEGO been allowing people to buy “missing pieces” this way?

    John S

    Missing pieces is another method to order from I think it limits you to the number of a particular piece in the set your looking for. Not 100% on that though.

    Bricks and pieces has different limits than pick a brick, and you need to know what you’re looking for, either set or part numbers. You can’t just browse by party type, etc. But…sometimes the parts are cheaper. So it helps to check both.

    Jim Rolfe

    So there are several modes:

    Broken Pieces
    Missing Pieces
    Bricks and Pieces
    Pick A Brick

    All have different parts, uses, prices, rules, and limits. As with all things Lego.


    Broken Pieces and Missing Pieces are small order, usually free, and only for their intended name with a set number/ownership. They used to ask for a code off manuals but in the last couple years they have not done that. They usually have “all” the parts even if PAB or BAP don’t have them. Just depends.

    Bricks and Pieces you can order any part that is available from any set. Usual exceptions apply like licensed themes. They carry mini figure parts and accessories also. They stock out on popular parts like the reindeer quickly. They also carry a premium price usually but you can stumble on deals every now and then. Best way to get exclusive or interesting parts. Usually limited to 200 or less pieces per part.

    Online Lego Store:

    PAB is through the Lego store online and sometimes has some good prices but limited and changing selection of parts. You need to look often. This can be used for bricks, plates, tiles, etc. Usually common or more common parts and some cheaper pricing for items. Good for buying bulk. I believe you can order up to 999 parts here. I was never able to order more than that in one part. You can apply to GWP purchases as well unlike BandP.

    At least this has been my experience.

    Greg Schubert

    I received an electronic receipt from LEGO for a team of reindeer so I guess that means they will be flying in soon.

    John S

    Just flew into my mailbox!

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    Greg Schubert

    Thanks again for the initial post @amplef0rth, mine also arrived … and the cost was half of what I was expecting to spend!

    Jim Rolfe

    These are still available on Brick and Pieces if anyone needs them.

    Rich Millich

    Wouldn’t you need nine? 😉

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