SCL YouTube Channel!!!

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    Jonathan Wagner

    Hey all! Your resident Live YouTuber JonnyBuildz here!

    So there was discussion at the quarterly meeting about furthering our social media presence and one of the things brought up was a YouTube channel.

    So let’s use this thread to brainstorm a bit. I think we want to first talk about what might be included, not poo-pooing any ideas, just getting them out there either from other channels, random thoughts, etc to get a feel for what’s possible and then we can start to narrow things down a bit to what makes sense for a LUG channel.

    Jonathan Wagner

    Some thoughts I have:

    How-to do…something, anything

    Tips and Tricks- could be similar to How to but usually tips or tricks are those things that are more technique based

    Member Builds- Show off some things you’ve built, like a showcase

    Live- LUG events live, covering LUG members/builds/activities

    Build contest- I really like the idea of doing these, figuring out a set or MOC idea, giving a time limit, and go!

    Will McDine

    I think there are several ideas and ways we could take this. I am also following because one of my new years resolutions was to boost my social media presence as far as my building and what not is concerned. One thing that I think would be interesting to cover would be a video going through the whole process of preparing, moving, setting up and tearing down a display. I think one of the most common questions we get at events is “How do you do this, and how long does it take you?” I think a video covering everything from checking buildings and tracks all the way through to loading the van at the end of the night would really be interesting.

    Bob Grier

    Pretty sure @joshhall has a time lapse video of the initial set-up for Home & Garden.

    Jonathan Wagner

    Pretty sure @joshhall has a time lapse video of the initial set-up for Home & Garden.

    That’s a good thing to keep in the wings. I am looking more for general ideas on what the channel should include right now, then we can get into specifics. That time lapse tho would definitely be a part of the “how do you do this, what goes into a setup, etc”

    One thing that the above would require tho is more video and from multiple people since not everyone can be at every aspect of preparing for, setting up, displaying, tearing down, etc a display. So that would be a much bigger project, something to consider.

    Logan C

    I’m all-in on helping out with this and am loving the ideas so far! Here’s what sticks out to me:

    Maybe the most basic thing to start with would be one or more videos simply explaining what a LUG is, and what we as Steel City LUG are about for those who don’t know. Would be a good thing to point to for people new to the idea who might be interested.

    I was considering doing some “tips and tricks” type videos for my own channel, and might be interested in doing some for the LUG if we decided to go that route.

    MOC videos would a good way to highlight individual members of the LUG and what they do. I think maybe that’s something the head(s) of the channel could outsource to other LUG members, sort of like “if you’d like to show off your MOC on our YouTube channel, make your own video and send it to us.” Of course the YouTube-savvy people could step in to help if requested, but I feel like this way it wouldn’t look like the LUG is playing favorites and everyone is given a chance to contribute if they want.

    I also really like the build contest idea. I’m imagining videos in the style of M&Rproductions’ building on a budget series (his opinions may be controversial, but I personally find those challenge videos quite entertaining). Would be fun to try these at a meeting, event, or maybe even over discord during a build night.

    As for how I could contribute, I’d definitely be interested in helping to edit content, as I’ve gotten pretty good at that recently. I also have experience with stop-motion (plus access to expensive equipment and software for it), and would be open to doing something short with that like a video intro if we wanted.


    I have cellphone train footage and photos from the recent two exhibits at CSC and Home and Garden show.

    If we can get a reliable small camera to do POV tours of the city modules and train rides, that would be awesome. Maybe an indoor RC blimp, LOL.

    Also, stopmotion is a big hit with Lego fans. Can do clean HD 30fps or go old school messy 80’s style of animation. Just watch out on your sounds and music – keep it public domain music or get the necessary permission from artists. The youtube and FB video checks are notoriously draconian.


    MOC videos would a good way to highlight individual members of the LUG and what they do.

    I was thinking about doing this for instagram as well, using peoples quality photos of their builds and doing little write ups, videos would be better, but I’m sure they could coexist. Good idea!

    Marcella Spear


    Intro to the LUG
    Tour the LEGO store – we would need permission from Paula and LEGO
    Technique of the month – different Perez on could do a YouTube short on a technique
    Tips and Tricks
    Stacking vs. Packing – PAB wall tips
    Videos from other events outside of Pittsburgh

    I’ll keep thinking 🤔

    Participant tutorials, tips and tricks, live build and chill nights with lug members

    Greg Schubert

    I TOTALLY agree with having an “Intro to Steel City LUG” video. All those things that are covered at the beginning of every LUG meeting could be put into a video that new members watch.

    Jonathan Wagner

    I really like an intro to SCL and LUG in general. Could be some fun, creative editing for them (already picturing a few “What is a LUG?” screens interspersed with shots of Lego builds, piles of Lego, people in the store, etc).

    Keep the ideas coming!


    I have an idea for an Intro I can talk about it on discord tonight

    Rich Millich

    Subscribed in order to Subscribe

    Krista K

    This may fall under tips and tricks, but pulling from the Learn from a LUG member could be beneficial too.

    Jonathan Wagner

    Since we can make multiple playlists within the channel, we can do a section that is “tips and tricks”, “learn from a lug member”, “moc builds”, “event videos”, “live streams”, “challenges/contests”, etc

    I can easily see the potential of this expanding a lot especially with so many interested in helping make content and all the ideas. Gonna be another full time job for me lol.

    Jonathan Wagner

    It’s coming…

    SCL YouTube

    Joseph G


    Jonathan Wagner

    Sorry I’ve been rather busy pretty much all of April.

    So since no one has posted any more thoughts, I think it would be neat to do a short “What is SC LUG?” video for the first official video of the channel. I’m thinking of stitching together both pictures and some small video snippets to make it. Nothing fancy just pictures of what the LUG has done (not just a year-in-review necessarily, can be anything over past years if people have pics from them. Incidentally, Year-in-review would be a neat idea) and maybe some people talking about how long they’ve been in the LUG, etc (I have some from my interviews I did at Ross Park Mall).

    I’ll get a Google Drive setup this week and a folder for this so people can upload to it what they have. From there, we’ll work on a project to make a video that tells about who we are what we do!

    Jonathan Wagner

    BTW, took a quick video of the Q2 entries and made it a short and uploaded it to the SC LUG Youtube channel!

    If anyone has videos from other SC LUG events, please let me know and let’s find a way to get them to me so we can upload them.


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