South Park Library

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  • #39597
    John S

    I reached out to the South Park Library since my daughter has participated in some Lego nights there in the past and offered my second copy of the pigeon. She said they’d love to have it for the summer and would setup a display themselves around it too!

    I found a display for it and dropped it off this morning. She had the whole shelf waiting for it! She’s also going to share on their Facebook page.

    Anyway, positive experience so far and she’s looking forward to what we can share in the future.

    Couple of photos linked below.


    That’s cool! Sounds like a premise for a book: “As a pandemic dies down bird models begin appearing at libraries around a city. Can detective Nick Brick figure out who’s planting them and uncover their connection to a well-known local club before it’s too late?”

    John S


    Taking over the Pittsburgh area, one pigeon at a time.

    I foresee a multipart mini series on Netflix coming soon.


    Very nice, John. Did you notice whether there was a (locking) display case in the South Park Library? If so, we could offer to do a display there at some point.

    John S

    There was not. I picked up the extra deep shadow box that was used since my display wasn’t too big.

    Not sure of the whole library, but nothing in the children’s part. Need to let her know that’s a requirement if they want larger displays I guess.


    Need to let her know that’s a requirement if they want larger displays I guess.

    At least if they want more than a single day display. When we do First Night at Cranberry, it is in an open room but that is just one night and the following day and we continuously staff the display (just like we would at a convention).


    gave you pab credits! Thanks for letting us all know! Good work!

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