Board Game Night

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    Pamela S

    @mitchsbricks I’m really running behind as well. It was a way to late of a night on Discord build n chill last night and I’ve woken up with a terrible headache/migraine. At this point, I think I should cancel. I’m sorry; I was really looking forward to playing some new great games!

    Benjamin C Good

    Tim and I made it to Mitch’s house Sunday afternoon, and a good time was had by all. As Mike Lange would say, if you missed this one, shame on you for six weeks.

    We played two games. I don’t remember their exact names, so I’ll have to use my best guesses. The first one Mitch had and is called The Hexagonal Wildlife Habitat Game, and the second one Tim brought and is called The Bean Harvesting Card Game.

    For the first game, I came in last, even though I felt I had a strong affinity for the game, and for the second game, I came in first, even though I initially struggled to even understand how the game worked, and it required skills I usually score an F-minus on, such as dealing with other people. I’ve decided that I will never play that game again, which means I retire as World Champion, with an undefeated record. Feel free to be impressed.

    Micah Beideman

    Based on your descriptions, I’m going to guess you played Cascadia and Bohnanza. Both solid games.
    I’ve been super busy recently, so sadly could not make it, but I will definitely try to come to a future game night.

    Benjamin C Good

    >> Based on your descriptions, I’m going to guess you played Cascadia and Bohnanza.

    Yes and yes. I knew I’d recognize them if I heard them again. Also, I’m impressed that you got them just from my meager descriptions, +1 Micah.


    I’m going to guess you played Cascadia and Bohnanza

    Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. Yes, those were the two games. It took us about 3 hours to play both although the games had to be explained up front to those of us who had not played each game before.

    thank you for hosting and showing us your Lego room. Ben happily checked off another LUG member’s Lego room from him personal visitation list. And Cascadia is an awesome game that I am definitely going to buy soon.

    a/k/a The Master Bean Harvester. Such prodigious skills should not be kept from the world. I will do my best to convince you to play Bohnanza again. 😀


    This was a lot of fun! Thanks to Ben and Tim for making the trek. Thanks to Tim for showing me a game I had not played! I’m also impressed that Micah sorted that one out.

    Definitely interested in another one come the new year, let’s start planning now.

    I’m thinking second week of January. 13th or 14th or if enough people have MLK day off maybe we do the Monday (15th) but open to other options.

    Side note, any way we can put polls into our post here? I’d love to be able to get a general sense of who could make it when without us all putting in messages… maybe I should move this over to website dev thread.

    Marcella Spear

    Sorry to have missed it. Would be interested in the next one. Also, reminding those that don’t know about Board Game Arena.

    It’s a great way to learn a game before you play in person.

    I pay for membership – so I’m happy to start a game anyone wants to play – you just have to have a free account.

    We could also try it out one night on a build and chill if people are interested.


    Scratch those dates.

    New options are January 6th or the 20th.

    Micah Beideman

    I’m busy on the 6th. Could probably do the 20th though.


    Same as Micah, busy on the 6th but the 20th is good for me.


    I had a feeling it would be that way. Let’s do Jan 20th as our day, what start time works for people? We can decide this further down the line if that makes more sense

    Micah Beideman

    As of now, any time in the afternoon or evening should work for me.


    I’m generally good with anytime so long as it is not too late – I’m becoming an old man. 😀

    Benjamin C Good

    >> I’m becoming an old man.

    Typo, you put the word ‘becoming’ in that sentence.

    I can do the 20th also. I can do any time, and unlike Old Man Tim, I can stay up late if necessary. I can introduce you guys to a board game called Midnight Tequila Shots.

    Matt Redfield

    I can introduce you guys to a board game called Midnight Tequila Shots

    Ooh, my favorite! Sadly, I’m ahtta tahn that week… maybe we can play MTS again some other time.

    – Worth exploring integrating polls; historically, we’ve just created a Doodle or similar and linked it here.

    Benjamin C Good

    >> maybe we can play MTS again some other time.

    Some other time?!? The only time to play it is midnight, it’s right in the freakin’ name of the game. If you play the Midnight Tequila Shots board game at 4pm, you automatically lose and then you get Boomer stamped on your forehead.

    Matt Redfield

    Crap, you got me on a technicality.

    “Maybe we can play MTS again some other night” is what I meant to say.

    Don’t post and try to do your day job at the same time, kids.

    Benjamin C Good

    >> Crap, you got me on a technicality.

    This one came up after the meeting Saturday when I was standing around talking to Dan and Steve.

    Matt Redfield

    OMT, how do you feel about MTS?

    this is one of those games where I used to say “you can’t have any, you’re too young” (to understand that reference…)


    Typo, you put the word ‘becoming’ in that sentence… Old Man Tim

    Since I am old and senile, it took me this long to respond. 😛

    In my defense, I can only say “fair enough”. 😀


    Bumping this and confirming a time of 6 pm start if that works for people?

    Micah Beideman

    Works for me


    Yes, 6:00 pm Saturday sounds good and I plan to be there. Thank you, Mitch.

    Pamela S

    6pm. I should be able to make it this time!

    Benjamin C Good

    Ugh, there have been real life issues today that required immediate attention. I am planning on coming, but I’m almost certainly going to be late at this point. I think I should be there by 6:30. You guys can start the first game without me if you want, I can just watch and trash talk.

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