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  • #5819
    Zach Bauer

    I’m new and really excited to learn that something like this exists.

    Matt Redfield

    Welcome, Zach! Tell us about yourself – what do you like to build?

    Also, if you want to jump right in, here are a few of our upcoming events:

    Philly Brick Fest (this weekend!)

    Ligonier Valley Model RR Home Tour

    Field Trip to Toy & Brick Museum

    Cranberry Library summer reading display

    There’s more, but you’ll have to explore the forums – I’m not gonna link everything here… 😉

    Zach Bauer

    Hey Matt. I’m an architecture student in my 4th year of my undergraduate degree. I have been messing around with Legos ever since I was little. I guess I sort of skipped ‘the dark ages’ and never really stopped. I mostly like to build big houses and civic buildings that are based on actual buildings. My latest have been the Builtmore Estate and the chapel at Duke University. I also am big into making cars and SUVs at the mini figure scale. Unfortunately I wont be able to make it to the Philly Brick Fest but I am going to try and make a few events after my semester ends.

    Greg Schubert

    Zach, you need to upload a photo of something that you have made!

    If you can build this: http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/68/d7/2a/biltmore-house-in-asheville.jpg, maybe we can build the mansion at Hartwood Acres sometime.

    I don’t know if you intended this, but Builtmore (vs. Biltmore) would be a really good online name for an architectural LEGO builder! You should marshall that name for yourself on a bricklink account. 🙂 It does not cost anything to start an account.

    Finally, you should see what math teacher Arthur Gugick has made sometime. We can take a road trip to his home near Cleveland sometime to see all the cool stuff he has made. http://www.mocpages.com/home.php/2138

    Incidentally, MOC is an acronym for “my own creation” which means something that did not come from official LEGO instructions. Like other commonly used acronyms, it is often pronounced as though it was a word, “mock.”

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    Zach Bauer

    Attached is a random house that I did a while ago with one too many styles in the same structure as well as the church I did most recently which hasn’t been documented yet. I’m pretty lazy about the documentation and really need to start time lapsing these builds. I can’t find the Biltmore pics right now. I ran out of pieces I think and never finished it. I did some spec drawings on Hartwood a while ago and definitely want to consider it for one of my next builds.

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    I like how you used plates for the roof, which allows for the non-Lego standard slope angles. Very cool looking on the center tower. From a wanna-be (but never-will) architect, it’s great to have a real architect in the group. Welcome!

    Greg Schubert

    I like how you used plates for the roof, which allows for the non-Lego standard slope angles.

    Clearly the advantage of not making roofs from sloped bricks is you don’t have that staircase edge effect. Plates are probably more cost effective too. My concern would be whether they stay on during a show.

    On another note: AFOL’s don’t paint bricks unless they can do such a good job that no one else can tell the difference. The LUG in eastern PA can make any clear parts into transparent yellow quite convincingly!

    Zach Bauer

    Yeah I gave up on the staircase roof a few years ago. The panels are loose and difficult to pull off but I think it’s worth it.

    I paint the Legos to look different on purpose. I think it gives it a more realistic look. I guess I’ve had too much exposure to actual building construction to think that perfectly crafted and shiny walls is how things look up close.


    That house is beautiful! So you don’t have a flickr account? I’d love to get these added to the stream! Hope to see you around, Zach!

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